
Day Off, New Jersey 2, Delaware, Pennsylvania

Day Off
We did nothing but laundry. We stayed at a friend's house in NJ. Really nothing to report. It was New Jersey...

Woodbridge, NJ
Very nice club, all nu-industrial bands. We totally didn't fit in but they were cool and so were the people. Nicest sound guy...ever? We ended up playing first for an almost empty house. Our best good friend Derek drove down from New Hampshire to see us but MISSED us. He is such a great kid and it was nice to see a familiar face. After the show we camped out. It was the first time I had camped in a while and it was fun. Roughing it a bit.

Wilmington, Delaware
Dead Presidents Pub was a cool little bar in Delaware. They didn't have much of a stage but the crowd was great. Halfway through our set some water got spilled on kyle's amp but we have a backup! The next night it came back to life. Marshalls live forever! After the show we camped out in Delaware. The New Jersey campsite was surprisingly better but this was still nice.

State College, PA
WOW crazy night. After driving for 6+ hours and getting lost in Amish Country we show up to the club and find out there is NO SHOW. We were away from the internet so we hadn't heard. The 2 girls at the club were incredibly helpful and ending up finding us another show. The crowd was awesome and it was so far the best night of the tour. After running through rain, hail, and lightning for several blocks we played an awesome show for awesome people and stayed with the girls who found us the show. Thanks Sara and Abby!

Right now I am backstage at the Laughing Lizard Lounge in Old Town Alexandria, VA. Biggest crowd yet so I'm excited to play. My guitars are all strung and I'm ready to go. Tomorrow is our last show on the tour. I'm sad to see it end so fast!

some pictures

Yikes no internet

We've been without internet for a while so i'm behind. I will update something fierce tonight after the show!


New York City again!? Show Numero 3

We were back in New York City last night. We played at a club in the Village called The Continental. It was a real cool rock club that was apparently a favorite of Joey Ramone before he died. In fact Joey played his last show ever there. The band after us kicked so much as and we are definetly going to be playing with them again. I'll put them on the myspace top 16 when we get added. Today we relax on a nice day off.


Night Two?!

We spent most of yesterday afternoon walking around New York. We went to the American Apparel store only to find out the thing I wanted was discontinued! From there we walked to Times Square. We saw the superman costume from the new movie at Toys 'r' Us and went to some guitar stores. Last night we played in the armpit of America for the first time. We knew we were in New Jersey from the smell. We got there a little early loaded our shit in and waited for the other band Phoenix Down. We played a longer set than usual and played decently well. Too bad their wasn't many people around, although some good friends did come over from Ringwood, NJ. Also to our dismay we learned that it was not a paying gig. Good thing we have a place to stay for free or we would be totally broke. It costs $60 to fill our tank at the cheapest gas station! I'll post some pictures probably during the week!



New York City - Wild Spirits. Tour Date ONE

So last night was the first night of our first tour. We played in New York City at a club called Wild Spirits. Let me start this off by saying we'll probably never play that club again. Not only did the club owner book 2 bands that didn't bring anyone, they didn't pay us because we didn't bring anyone. Yeah my touring band is going to bring people from Boston to New York on our first ever tour. Sure smart thinking buddy. I hated the layout of the club. They situate the bar and stage almost next to each other and then put semi-nude girls on the bar. So everyone sits at the bar and no one watched the bands. Even though I hate the Compound in Fitchburg they at least have the stage set up so no matter where you are in the club the stage is the focus. Why have a rock club with the stage where no one is going to see it? The sound guy was nice but incompetent. He wanted the guitars incredibly quiet so you couldn't hear a damned thing. The bands were pretty decent. The last band Rain of Kings had the coolest singer I've seen in a while and they reminded us of the Heartless Kings. Before the last band went on the club decided to have this overweight woman play with some fire. It was boring and totally pointless. Her leg was the size of me. Not attractive or interesting. Plus, I see fire in a club, I think GREAT WHITE STATION FIRE. The four of us just looked at the sound proofing on the ceiling and waited for it to go up in flames. The girl on the bar had a cute face, too bad she has no self respect or dignity. Way to stand on the bar all night in your underwear and move around trying to get peoples money. Lame.