
Night Two?!

We spent most of yesterday afternoon walking around New York. We went to the American Apparel store only to find out the thing I wanted was discontinued! From there we walked to Times Square. We saw the superman costume from the new movie at Toys 'r' Us and went to some guitar stores. Last night we played in the armpit of America for the first time. We knew we were in New Jersey from the smell. We got there a little early loaded our shit in and waited for the other band Phoenix Down. We played a longer set than usual and played decently well. Too bad their wasn't many people around, although some good friends did come over from Ringwood, NJ. Also to our dismay we learned that it was not a paying gig. Good thing we have a place to stay for free or we would be totally broke. It costs $60 to fill our tank at the cheapest gas station! I'll post some pictures probably during the week!


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