
"Night of the Living iPods" or "3249 Tunes Later"

My iPod has returned from the DEAD. When there is no more room in Best Buy electronics walk the Earth. The genius at the Genius Bar revived it like Frankenstein and his monster. It's ALIVE! It is nice to have it back. Carrying all those CDs around was a pain in the ass!

So I'm currently on the 5th disc of the first season of Lost. For the first several discs it was all character but we've finally gotten some plot in there. I just noticed another parallel in the dialogue. 2 people have told Jack: "I know you made a promise, but I'm letting you off the hook." Yikes child birth is gross! Anyways, I'm enjoying it so far and it only seems to get better. Bummer that Ian's character dies in this show too. He had the best uni-brow on Smallville. It was kind of like out with one character in with another.

Dude ISIS. They are playing a few headlining shows outside the Tool tour. One is at the fucking Living Room in RI. I cannot wait to go! Plus they are doing a free screening of their DVD upstairs at the Middle East! What a fucking awesome band!

I think that's all for now.


"Tour de Salem" or "I'm freakin exhausted!"

Haven't written anything here in a while. I kind of got freaked out that so many people were reading it. Anyways... I think I'll work my way back in time!

I just got home from work. I decided that I wanted to take a bicycle to work because I hate cars. When I was a kid I rode a bike or walked everywhere. There wasn't a place in Tewksbury that I couldn't walk to. The minute I got my license that all changed. Shit we take our cars to the corner store. So when I decided I wanted to sell my van, people asked, how will you get around? Well in my smart ass way I replied: "I'll ride a bike." Everyone skoffed at the idea but it made me think. I don't work too far away. I could ride my bike to work. I came up with the idea to put the bike in the van on the way to work. Then I could ride it home. That way I could see how long it would take. See if I could pull it off. Well I'm here and I'm alive. It took me about a half of an hour to do it. I used my step-dad's bike which totally sucked. The seat hurt my ass and it was too tall! I also had a hard time going up hills because of the gears. When I got home I felt like I had died! I'm gonna do it again tomorrow though. I'm excited! It's part of my whole self betterment thing I've got goin' on lately. How very Fredrick Nietzsche of me.

So just now I returned home from an impromptu visit to Newbury Comics. Ryan Traynor called with some car problems so I went to help out. After giving the car a jump start it died again. So we called up AAA and got him a tow. So we stopped into Newbury where I found the Red Sparowes Grails split 12" that I've been looking for! I was hoping they had it back when I saw them but they did not. For helping him out Ryan bought me the new Made Out of Babies album. I told him no but he insisted. I'm listening to it right now. Julie Christmas is very cool.

My guitar sold this week. I want to buy Making it Right's van but I think I'm just gonna get cases for my stuff like I had planned. I need to take care of my van before I can go buy another one. I will probably miss that guitar...

This past weekend I saw Mastodon and Converge. Both are bands that I love. Lark, Keith (ex-SBC), Joey Campbell, and Johnny (SBC) all came. It was an excellent time. Afterwards we met up with All Hands on Deck at Lark's favorite restaurant IHOP. Pancakes and obscene conversations were had by all. I also started to watch LOST. Erik and Lark love it and I'm enjoying it so far. I'm not super deep into it though. I'm going to try and finish the first season this week.

The weekend before I went to New York with Ryan Traynor and Joey Campbell. We had an incredible time. It was the Temporary Residence Limited 10th Birthday party. Explosions in the Sky put on an amazing show. Mono was phenominal. Some of the other bands were cool some of them sucked but those 2 made up for it. I was able to pick up a bunch of Mono vinyl and the Explosions vinyl that I didn't have. On the drive home Ryan, Joey, and I had a conversation about our "other" band. Ryan and Joey both can't commit to the band. Ryan wants to do it just as a fun jam thing every once in a while. Like his several fake bands. Joey has too much other shit going on. I am pretty disappointed because I was hoping to have a second serious band outside Dipthong. A band where I could do very different music. I had the idea that I would be able to tour like every other month. Each band would play in a very different scene with very different kids. I'd get twice the experience, learn a bunch more shit, and make way more contacts. Plus have tons of fun playing music all the time. I'm not sure what to tell Keith because I know he was really looking forward to being in a band again. Maybe we can find some other dudes. What are the chances we can find people like Ryan and Joey though...

Dipthong also played that Friday. We played well and there was a decent turn out. The other bands were horrible. Terrible horrible disgusting. Just shitty shitty bands. Awful. Bad. Sucky. Lark's friend Alex wasn't able to come inside because she was underage. I feel really bad because I told her we could get her in. I thought it would be fine. I didn't get carded when I got there. If only she got there a little earlier. Lame.

I've got lots of new music to listen to. New Mastodon and Mars Volta both kick ass. Sparrows Swarm and Sing is very cool. I was listening to Mouth of the Architect for the first part of this post (before I left to help Ryan). I've got Made out of Babies on now. Knut's terraformer is awesome. Torche's self titled rocks so hard. Better than Floor I think. The new Seemless is also very good. I've been so busy with the other stuff though it hasn't gotten much play. All that new Mono vinyl rules. Explosions in the Sky is awesome. Disappearer is great! I hope they get a new drummer soon (maybe Tom Campbell!). Red Sparowes is always great. The split is very cool. Not super into Grails but I've got to give it some time. Here is a link to my spreadsheet!

"Without art we would be nothing but foreground and live entirely in the spell of that perspective which makes what is closest at hand and most vulgar appear as if it were vast, and reality itself." ~Fredrick Nietzsche

I think I'll end my blog here. Good night.

Oh yeah here is a cool cell phone pic of some of my gear.


blah blah blah

I have a million and nothing to say.