
"Night of the Living iPods" or "3249 Tunes Later"

My iPod has returned from the DEAD. When there is no more room in Best Buy electronics walk the Earth. The genius at the Genius Bar revived it like Frankenstein and his monster. It's ALIVE! It is nice to have it back. Carrying all those CDs around was a pain in the ass!

So I'm currently on the 5th disc of the first season of Lost. For the first several discs it was all character but we've finally gotten some plot in there. I just noticed another parallel in the dialogue. 2 people have told Jack: "I know you made a promise, but I'm letting you off the hook." Yikes child birth is gross! Anyways, I'm enjoying it so far and it only seems to get better. Bummer that Ian's character dies in this show too. He had the best uni-brow on Smallville. It was kind of like out with one character in with another.

Dude ISIS. They are playing a few headlining shows outside the Tool tour. One is at the fucking Living Room in RI. I cannot wait to go! Plus they are doing a free screening of their DVD upstairs at the Middle East! What a fucking awesome band!

I think that's all for now.

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