
CRAP my computer crashed and my post went with it

For some reason blogger wouldn't recover my post. I'm in no mood to retype it. Here is a quick paraphrase. Thanksgiving sucks. If you know me you know that. Blah blah blah we're fat let's fucking eat and make you feel uncomfortable or not welcome or not part of the group we're fat and selfish and ignorant and blah blah blah. Fuck that. End of the year. End of the year top albums list. Big fucking deal who cares. I've got about 45 albums on the list that I'm going to narrow down to 10. It'll be rough. Bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan. Woe is me. Where for art thou romeo. Change is good.



When Isis returns from Oceania they are doing a tour of the good ol' us of a. I knew they were bringing Jesu which is so fucking incredible but the word today is that they are bringing ZOZOBRA too! The only thing better than that would be OLD MAN GLOOM! They should just bring Converge with them and do a set of Old Man Gloom. It'll be Zozobra, Jesu, Converge, Isis, OMG. Best show ever.


Shows Past, Shows Present, Shows Future.

Went to some more shows last few weeks including Ani, Imogen, Stephen Brodsky, and Humanwine. A good time was had by all.

Tonight Dipthong plays at the Skybar. Night before Thanksgiving is a big night out I hear so hopefully turn out is good. Afterwards I have to pick up my little sister because she is home for the holiday.

Upcoming rock and roll events that I would like to attend include:

Sa. 11/25 - Middle East Downstairs - Clouds, Piebald
Mo. 11/27 - The Paradise - Amanda Palmer
We. 11/29 - The Paradise - Dinosaur Jr.
Th. 11/30 - TT The Bear's - Stephen Brodsky
Fr. 12/01 - The Avalon - Deftones
Su. 12/03 - Club Lido - Converge
Mo. 12/04 - The ICC - Jeremy Enigk
Th. 12/07 - Great Scott - 27
Sa. 12/09 - The Palladium - Seemless, The Sword
Fr. 12/15 - The Linwood - 5ive
Tu. 01/16 - Bill's Bar - Tides
Fr. 01/26 - The Brickhouse - The_Network, Architect
Th. 01/28 - Cambridge Elks - The Hope Conspiracy, Clouds
Tu. 01/30 - The Avalon - Incubus
Mo. 02/19 - New York - Explosions in the Sky
Tu. 02/20 - New York - Explosions in the Sky
Th. 04/12 - Middle East Downstairs - Mono, World's End Girlfriend

wow lots of rock.


A Whole New America

So, the democratic party has picked up a majority in the House of Representatives. It looks like they are picking up the majority in the Senate and picked up several govenorships. For the first time in my adult life I have faith that good things are going to get done. I'm going to try not to be cynical and think politicians are all evil and corrupt. Let's fix this broken democracy! My conversation with Jen this morning touched on the hope that instead of looking to point blame for the administration's missteps they move ahead and get great things done. We have the potential to be the world's greatest nation. Let's do this! Good work to everyone that voted. Even if you voted for the other side.

The Genders are the best band from Israel. They rocked the Abbey Lounge last night. Rock and Roll.

I did end up seeing Grails and Ocean Sunday night. Again I went alone and again it was awkward. It was definetly worth it though. Kayo Dot didn't play and Panda & Angel sucked so I was beginning to think that it was going to be a shitty night. Grails took forever to set up. They borrowed most of Ocean's gear, including both guitar amps, bass amp, and drums. They set up very sloppy with cables and gear all over the stage. I was irritated actually because for some reason that shit bothers me. Well it looks like I'm a total dick because they blew me away. Just an awesome band. I'm glad I went. I bought their album and I enjoy it a ton. Ocean was DOOM. Exactly what I expected. The cool thing was that they never stopped playing. It was just constant DOOM for 45 minutes. Sucked when the guitarist broke a string and was never able to change guitars because they never stopped. Good times.

I'm currently listening to Sonic Youth's Washing Machine album. I think it might be my favorite record by them. It is equal parts expirimentation and pop. Washing Machine and Diamond Sea are 2 of the best songs ever written. Right up there with Bull in the Heather. Great band.

I purchased Stephen Brodsky's Octave Museum last night. I'm not sure if I like it yet. It's like 60's pop meets Cave In's space rock. Like if Cave In covered the Beatles. Or if Kyle and his dad got together and recorded an album of songs, mostly acoustic, and then I went and added laser gun and crazy delay on top.


"Party Everyday" or "Rock and Roll All Night"

So since the These Arms Are Snakes show it seems I've done lots of music things this week. Sunday was TAAS; Monday was band practice; Tuesday I saw Bury The Needle, Indian, Raise The Red Lantern; Wednesday was band practice pt.2; Thursday was Death Cab for Cutie. Ear plugs 5 nights in a row! Sunday night I might go see Grails, Ocean, Kayo Dot, and Panda & Angel. Kayo Dot wasn't very good last time I saw them. Grails is very cool, and Ocean is DOOM. Michael told me about Ocean because they are from Maine! I've never heard of Panda & Angel but they are on Jade Tree and that's a pretty cool label so we'll see. Too bad nobody wants to come to the show. Everybody has shit to do. Ghey.

Smashing Pumpkins are the greatest band ever. That is all.