
2007 Revisited

I think I've sufficiently ignored this blog enough to be sure that no one will read it.

Like every year before it 2007 had it's share of twists and turns and ups and downs. I've decided to sit down for a bit and reflect on as many of the events of the year that I can remember. I'm not sure what it is about the end of the year that makes people want to do things like this. It's just an arbitrary date that we set. There is no celestial or universal meaning to December 31st. It's completely random. Enough rambling! On with 2007!

After having spent an excellent weekend with Lark for the Holidays early January was pretty low key. As far as I can remember nothing significant happened this month. I'm sure lots of stuff happened but at this point looking back it's a blur. Maybe it's my selective memory...

I know that Lark and I went to a nice dinner on Valentine's Day. Looking back on the blog it seems I was deep into House of Leaves, The Prisoner, and the Bush Administration. Not much has changed it seems. At the end of the month Ryan Traynor and I took a trip to New York to see Explosions in the Sky for their CD release shows. The show they played as part of the wordless music series is easily in the top shows I've ever been to. 

Call me selfish but when March comes to mind so does my birthday. Just the word "March" makes me think BIRTHDAY! There were some other excellent happenings in March too. ISIS played 2 nights at the Middle East Downstairs. It was over St. Patrick's Day weekend and also during the only snow we had last winter. Easily 2 of the most kick ass shows I've been to. The first night with Torche and Blacktail was just Joey and I. At this point I had liked Torche for a while, but after seeing them I totally fell in love. Just a phenomenal band and Juan, the guitarist, is the nicest guy. ISIS didn't disappoint per usual. On the way home, driving north on route 93, I lost control of the van. Apparently Joey and I are the most calm people during a crisis. As the van spun in circles admits a ton of snow, I looked at Joe and said "Hold on." That was it. After I had regained control of the van we took it slow for the rest of the ride. Definitely had a good laugh about it too. The next night was with Zozobra and Jesu. Zozobra was fantastic, but hasn't played since that tour. Looks like it didn't work out for Caleb Scofield's new band. He should just get Cave In back together. Being one of Jesu's first US shows I was a bit nervous for them but optimistic. Live they don't have the power their records do. It was still very cool to see Justin up close and personal though. ISIS again played an awesome set. It bothered Joey that they played a very similar set list but they made it okay by closing with Celestial. This time I had more friends with me. Lark, Ryan Traynor, and Erik all joined me. I was also lucky enough to see Explosions in the Sky again this month. Just a mind blowing live band. From whisper quiet to deafening loud. I love that band. On to birthday. My birthday was low key just like I like it. No crazy parties or anything. The family came by, I spent time with Lark, got some great gifts. All in all a good time. I even got the Macbook that I am writing this on right now! Not to mention The Prisoner and many other great things. 

By April my band Dipthong had decided we were going to call it quits. Things had been going well jamming with Joey in Sound Film although ultimately that never worked out. Dipthong tried and tried to book a final show. Something all ages and local so that everyone in the area who had ever wanted to see us play could do so one last time. It never came to pass though. Easily one of the biggest disappointments of the year. Although towards the end I was very disenfranchised with the music, I still love playing with those guys. We had some great times and will be sorely missed. By me at least. In April the Smashing Pumpkins also announced the track listing for their reunion album Zeitgeist. More on that later.

Ahhh May. Mother's Day. Linzie's birthday. Mom's birthday. The Smashing Pumpkins played their first show since the break-up in Paris, France. I spent the full day at work reading about the show as it happened. It was also the first official announcement that the reunion would only be Billy and Jimmy. The hired guns they got are fine musicians but it's not quite the same band I feel in love with at 15. At the end of May, Lark and I flew out to San Francisco. We had a great time visiting her family and seeing all the sites. We pretty much did everything San Francisco has to offer. I'm glad that I went. 

The beginning of Summer and the halfway point of the year. I can remember several notable occurrences this month. Number one being I started to interview for the job I currently have. Having the job gave me the financial security I need to make other big things happen later in the year. Even though I hate this job. Actually let me rephrase that. I hate my boss and the computer system we use. The job and all the people are actually pretty darn good. Stupid bosses. I know that it was somewhere around this time of the year when I finally had the strength to really rekindle my friendship with Kirimi. I've known her since 7th grade. She had been my best friend for a long time. Somewhere along the line we had just lost it. Our friendship was gone. When we finally started talking again it was very sporadically. Mostly acquaintance type stuff. It really bothered me. Side note I'm currently listening to my favorite song of the year. Far from Fields by Pelican. More on that later. Sometime around June we were finally able to forget all about that crap and really be friends again. I'm really glad that we are. She is a very special person. June 29th I got an iPhone. It rules. Nothing else I can say about that. The other biggest event in June was my trip to North Carolina. The Smashing Pumpkins played their first US shows in almost 7 years. I was lucky enough to attend 2 of them. They played each night for 3 hours and played songs from almost every point in there career. Sure I miss James and D'Arcy but it was great to see Billy playing those songs I grew up with again. 

Zeitgeist was released in early July. Honestly a huge disappointment. Only a handful of stand out tracks. The B-Sides were great though. This will be the first time Billy has released a record and it doesn't make my top 10 of the year. Crazy. I also started work at the new job at the end of this month. Harman Specialty Group. We'll see how long it lasts is all I can say. The final Harry Potter was released in July. Lark, Erik, and I went to Harvard Square which had been turned into Hogwarts Square for the event. I got the book at midnight and was finished with it the next day. Not a disappointment at all. A fitting end to an amazing story. Loved it! Pelican played with Clouds soon after that. Great bands. Pelican's new record is definitely in the top of my favorite albums this year. The end of July was the first one year anniversary that I've spent with Lark. After all the years of on and off we made it past the one year. We even got to see Bill Cosby! I'm obviously a huge fan and the guy was hilarious. Funniest guy ever.

Hottest month of the year. For the life of me I can't remember a damned thing I did this month. Sorry folks move along, nothing to see here. 

One of the biggest events of the year. I moved in with Lark. After working the new job I finally could afford to pay rent. Although it broke my mother's heart it was time for me to go. Lark had wanted me to move in a year before, but it just wasn't feasible. I was even able to take my cat Fuzzy. I knew that I would miss her way too much if I left her alone in Salem. After my move I decided that I wanted to become vegan. After being vegetarian for a year, I felt like I was ready for the next step. Unfortunately it has been more difficult than I thought. My will power isn't quite up to task but I've been working on it. It is hard to pass up people's hospitality too! "Hey Matt have some chocolate chip cookies, is a hard sentence to reply with no thanks! Lark also started Grad School this month. I'm so proud of her. Such an intelligent woman. I'm lucky to have her in my life. At the same time Kirimi moved to Washington DC. She is going to school there and I miss her a ton. She is a great friend and I hope to see her when she visits!

Lark's birthday month! We had a small party and I even baked her a cake. Also the month of a thousand shows! Torche twice, Smashing Pumpkins with Explosions in the Sky four times, Jesu, and I'm sure a bunch more I'm forgetting. Halloween was fun, I dressed up as Superman again. At the end of the month Fuzzy got sick. Her kidneys were getting worse and she wasn't eating. We started to give her fluid under the skin, which I will tell you now is not pleasant. I still had hope for her. She started to get better and seemed to be happy living with Lark and I in Cambridge.

After months of not having anyone to really play music with Erik's dream project Jack Burton Vs. David Lo Pan got together. I'm having a ton of fun playing with Erik, Jim (also from SBC), and Joey. It might not be 100% the music that I dream of making but I do enjoy it. I am also going to be making music on my own with the computer. That way I can play live with a great heavy band and at the same time make the music that I want to make at home. ISIS played 2 nights in Cambridge again for their 10th anniversary shows. Love that band. Kyle and I hung out and went and saw the amazing Battles. Another band that will be on the top 10 this year. After trying to see them 2 other times during the year and it being sold out, I smartened up and bought tickets! Great musicians and fantastic forward thinking music. Thankfully this Thanksgiving was much better than the last. I'm not a big Thanksgiving person. Thanksgiving weekend I went down to New York and saw Snapcase play a reunion show. I've loved that band for a long time and never got a chance to see them. Even though Matt D. wasn't into it I'm glad he came along. The tri-state area just isn't the same without him! Lark and I also decided that we would be moving into the apartment downstairs so we started to make our preparations. Including buying a big screen TV on Black Friday. We were looking forward to having an apartment to ourselves with no roommates. Just the two of us and Fuzzy. 

December started with the move. We still aren't 100% settled, we need some things framed and new couches, but it has started to feel like home. Very cozy with plenty of space. I'm glad we made the move. We've also seen a ton of snow. More snow this December than we got all last year! Makes it feel like Christmas. Unfortunately December hasn't been all roses. Fuzzy took a turn for the worse and on December 15th I decided that it was time to put her to sleep. She was in a considerable amount of pain and there was nothing I could do about it. She was more than a pet to me and the loss will be felt for a long long time. I think I will write another post about her this weekend. Lark spent a week in San Diego with her sister. In fact she is there right now as I write this. I am going to spend Christmas with my family in New Hampshire. This week has been very lonely and I'll be glad when Lark is home.

The sadness of Fuzzy's death puts a damper on the whole year, even though several great things happened. I know that with time I will be okay but as of right now it still sucks. Towards the second half of the year I've slipped in my no Made in China purchases which is disappointing. I have made a concerned effort to reduce my ecological footprint. Recycling, reusing, reducing. The full 9. I'm sure I've forgotten a bunch of great shows I went to and other important events. I wrote this in one quick burst so I'm also sure the grammar is terrible and the paragraphs are messy bits of my rambling. I hope you'll forgive me. For images of many of the shows I went to check out my web gallery! Look for a future post on the top 10 albums of the year. Maybe even one on the movies...

I hope that next year I can increase my environmental awareness, go fully vegan, and reaffirm my commitment to not purchasing sweat shop made goods. I am going to continue reconnecting with friends that I've lost (Josh Taylor, Dave Urbina), hopefully play more video games now that I've got a PS3 haha, and make more music. Music, music, music. Here's to 2008!

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