
Top 10 Records of 2007

Sorry for the delay in this. I wanted to have it done sooner but I just didn't. This year there were several albums that I did not purchase that might have made it to the top 10. Money has been tight needless to say. Plus last year I said that I would try not buy as many records (even though the number was the same 51)! This year it is in no particular order because after more time goes by the order changes! I look at last years list and think shit that one should have been higher! Anyways on with the list! 

Battles - Mirrored
Explosions - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
Pelican - City of Echoes
Torche - In Return
Baroness - Red Album
Minus the Bear - Planet of Ice
NIN - Year Zero
Zozobra - Harmonic Tremors
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Jesu - Conqueror / Lifeline / Pale Sketches

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