
i AM a sellout

but that's fine with me. After 2 weeks of liking it/hating it/liking it/hating it I've decided that I like it, sometimes.

The band has been on a bit of a break. The show this week has been cancelled and we haven't really practiced since the we got home. We needed some rest after the tour and I think we've gotten it. I'm recharged and ready to play some music! Plus I've got a new rack and new gear always makes me want to play.

On the music front I think Tashjin might actually happen. Maybe not exactly as I had planned. We just need a set night and Ryan, Joey, Keith, and I will make some noise! I just want to make some music for the sake of making music. That's what I'm here for right? So I should be doing it, all the time.

This weekend was...well it was a long time coming lets leave it at that.

I'm watching the Denali DVD and it is beyond amazing. This band is just incredible. I love Ambulette and all that but Denali KILLS!

I think that's all I'll write about now. Be back when I have something to say!

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