
Things are weird.

Just as the title says "things are weird". The minute I thought everything was figured out it seems I was wrong. I've got patience though, I've waited this long haven't I? Should I stay or should I go? I want to go but it might not be right. I hope putting it off hasn't made things weird or made me look bad. Tom Campbell... Not only does he hate me but honestly I might be a bit jealous hah. I mean I know that it would be fine that is just something that briefly came into my head. I want more than anything to not fuck this up. It's the most meaningful and important thing to me in the world. Wow I'm vague. Don't read into any of this and think you know what I'm talking about. You don't.

Band practice was good. The new rack is cool but I'm not sure if it's cooler than the other one. Time will tell.

I'm listening to new Helmet online and it's fucking great. It's heavy like the last one but isn't just retreading old Helmet cliches. It's not just a record with a bunch of Drop-D riffs. The song that is on now (I think it's the 3rd song it doesn't say) is unbelieveable. I'm alright Page says. Well Page you are better than alright you are fucking awesome.

I'm going to hang out at home tomorrow. Well for at least a while. I need to get band finance shit together and then e-mail about some shows. I need to pitch the tour idea to the band too. I think Scott is getting a little antsy about taking more time off work. I've got to make it look worthwhile. Then we can record and hopefully things will go from there. Then I can finish my book and maybe head out to open mic night at the Chit Chat. Maybe I'll even play a song. I'd be scared shitless to play acoustic and sing in front of a crowd. I just don't think I sing well. I want to but I just think the sound of my voice sucks. Like I can sing the right notes (sometimes) but the voice itself sucks. Too nasaly or something. I'm happy with the guitar though. Stick with what I know I'm good at. I'm way more James Iha than Billy Corgan. Shit this Helmet record fucking rules.

I think I'm going to go to sleep now. Well maybe a quick e-mail first.

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