
"Yeah I might come, I'll call you" or "One is the lonliest numer."

So I went and saw These Arms are Snakes, Mouth of The Architect, Young Widows, and French Toast last night. I couldn't find anyone to come so...I went alone. It was a bit weird but I know I wasn't the only one alone. This one kid with a Ted Leo and The Pharmacits was defintely alone haha. I did end up seeing 2 guys that used to work at Newbury Comics. They seem to be at a lot of shows. Anyways here is the quick rundown of the show that I sent to Lark:

The first band was Young Widows. They were awesome! They had tons of cabs all set up nice and symmetrical. Starting from the left there were 2 vertical sunn 4x12 cabs, then an 8x10 with 2 heads on top. All with a vintage sunn style grill cloth. It was the same on the other side. They started playing and the 2 outermost sunn cabs didn't have speakers, they had lights! It was very cool. They were like noisy grungy rock. Lots of delay and stuff. They were fuckin awesome. I guess that the guys are 3/4 of breather resist. But it's a totally different style of music. I bought their disc and enjoy it a ton!

The second band was Mouth of The Architect. They were amazing. They had some home made road cases that said MOTA in the metallica font haha. The singer, who was obviously the band "leader", was super young and a really nice guy. When I told him that his band was great and that I loved their album he thanked me very genuinely. The stage was packed with people: 2 guitarists, bassist, keyboardist, and drummer. The guitarists both used Marshalls, with the singer using a JCM 800 into a newer 1960B cab and the other guitarist had a modded Plexi into a Sunn looking 4x12. American tele and SG respectively. Boss DS-1, Boss Delay, Line 6 DL-4., the usual stuff.

The first 2 bands both said French Toast was supposed to play but had to cancel at the last minute. To my surprise it was some kind of inside joke because French Toast went on next. They were all 40 years old playing like garage rock with tons of delay. They were a 3-piece and they rotated instruments like 5 times. So they all sang lead they all played bass, they all played drums, and they all played guitar. They weren't that great though.

Then These Arms are Snakes came on. I didn't realize the lead singer was a "daughters-style" asshole. He wasn't nearly as bad though and the music is actually good. He just did the whole run around like a dick and jump in the crowd and knock over monitors and shit like that. The guitarist was very good and used more effects than I thought. The bass player was fucking awesome. Great huge bass tone. Great set. I just wish the singer wasn't an ass.

Afterwards I stopped by the teen center and watched the end of Killer Clowns from Outer Space. What a terrible movie. I came home, corrected Rebecca's science homework and went to bed! The End.

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