
Yikes blog

Yay new case! The picture is kinda dark but you get the point. It was totally worth the money and the 4am drive to Connecticut. Too bad Chuck had problems with both of his cases. Notice the white rice, ear plugs, laser gun, and vibrator. All integral parts of a rock musician's life. Chopsticks rule! I think I'm going to get an Emperor cabinet to go with the Marshall head. Further down the road though. I've got a 3-year plan. In 2 years I need my debts paid off. Pamela Macleod. All of them. Well, I'm not sure about college loans. After that I can get rid of the gay van, buy a real van, and tour non-stop. By then the band should be big enough to do that. I'll be 26 going on 27. Still young enough to rock.

Converge. They rule. Their new album is very good. Very very good. Ryan Traynor got me all worked up over Stephen Brodsky singing on it but he doesn't. There is a guy singing but it's not good ol' Stephen.

Since the last post I saw ISIS 3 times! Easily my favorite current band. They opened for Tool 2 of the times and only got to play for 30 minutes. The third time was in Providence, Rhode Island at the Living Room. What a shit hole. Downshaft even played there haha. There wasn't that many people there and it was very cool. New album next week!

Lots of cool shows coming up. Death Cab, These Arms are Snakes, Mouth of The Architect, Octave Museum, Bury The Needle, Indian, Raise the Red Lantern, Deftones (new record next week), Grails, Ocean, and much much more! Love that rock & roll music.

I have a million things to say but I'm just gonna go watch Lost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love popping up in coversations....