
Top 10 of 2006

2006 was (in my humble opinion) a great year for music. As you can see from my previous post there were more than 30 albums all vying for a spot on the top 10. So, without further adieu: Matt V's top 10

Converge - No Heroes
After their last, relatively disappointing, album "You Fail Me" I had thought Converge was all done making incredible records. In my mind they couldn't possibly follow up the masterpiece that is "Jane Doe". Well this new fucking record blew me away. It has everything I love about this band and things I never thought they would do. I love this album and will surely listen to it for years to come.

Jesu - Silver
I discovered Jesu with their debut full length probably at the end of last year. When Hydra Head announced this EP I jumped! I ran to the record store and bought it at midnight. When I got home Hydra Head posted a preorder package! So I did what any true fan would do and bought it again. The limited edition American Apparel T-Shirt was just too cool to pass up. This album is heavy, sludgy, dense, dark, and hopeful. Silver is just another gold. I definitely can't wait for 2007's Conqueror and seeing them open for ISIS.

Young Widows - Settle Down City
I was at the Middle East Upstairs a few months ago to see Mouth of the Architect and These Arms Are Snakes. Luckily I had gotten their nice and early and got to see this incredible band. The sound coming off this stage totally blew me away. I can barely describe it. I bought the album immediately and I like it more each time I listen. The production is lo-fi while still sounding amazing. I totally love this band!

Russian Circles - Enter
This was a band I randomly discovered on Myspace. I spend a bunch of time going to band's sites and listening to bands that they are friends with. I really enjoyed the song on their site so I picked up the disc. After listening to it once I kicked myself in the ass for not going to see them play with Minus the Bear. This is instrumental rock at it's finest. Great memorable songs, great production, great performances. I can't get that first riff out of my head!

Cult of Luna - Somewhere Along the Highway
I had heard of this band a while back but never bought anything by them. When I started to do this top 10 I did a quick look around to see if there were any albums that I didn't get. This one stood out. After a little research I found that this album came with a limited 7" single with a Smashing Pumpkins cover on it. I decided right away that I needed to own this. The music is very "NeurIsis" which I totally love. It's heavy, it's progressive, it's awesome. Reminds me of Panopticon without clean vocals.

ISIS - In The Absence of Truth
ISIS' anticipated new album certainly did not disappoint. Although it isn't my favorite ISIS record (Oceanic owns that title) it is an excellent record and certainly worthy of this list. ISIS has quickly become one of my favorite bands and this album is excellent proof why.

The Sword - Age of Winters
Do you like Black Sabbath? Do you like awesome, sludgy, 70's style rock? Well this band is all that and more. I first saw this album and I thought "wow, that's probably terrible" I couldn't have been more wrong. I can't get enough of it!

Battle of Mice - Day of Nights
Front-woman Julie Christmas put out albums with 2 bands this year. This one and the also very amazing Made out of Babies' Coward. I discovered both bands on a Red Sparowes split and was immediately blown away by her voice. I prefer this to Made Out of Babies mostly for the guitar work (the guy from Red Sparowes and Neurosis' visual artist is awesome!)

Mouth of the Architect - The Ties That Bind
I read a review on The PRP for this record and was intrigued. It described it as being very heavily influenced by Neurosis. I thought that sounded bad-ass so I picked it up. The more I listen to this record the more I hear. There is so much going on in each song and it gets better every time. They also put on an excellent live show (even though they only had enough time to play 3 songs!)

Versoma - Life During Wartime
Rounding out the top 10 is a band that I've seen twice this year. They've lucked out and opened for both ISIS and Red Sparowes. The first time I saw them they were a little sloppy but the heavy use of delay and the good songs made me want to buy their record. ISIS describes it best : "noise and melody never sounded so sweet" This last spot was the hardest to pick with great albums from Mono, Red Sparowes, Tides, Mastodon, Making it Right, Pearl Jam, Switchblade, Grails, Disappearer, Jeremy Enigk, and 5ive all fighting for the spot. I just think that this one will last a bit longer in the old CD player or on my Zombie iPodito.

If you don't own any of these releases I urge you to go and listen! There is something for everyone I think! Well maybe not everyone.

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