
"2001: A Space Odyssey" or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"

So I've begun my attempt to watch all of my DVDs in alphabetical order. Including all special features and bonus materials. The first film was 2001: A Space Odyssey. 2001 is an incredible film but it is kind of difficult to watch and understand. Arthur Clarke said that if you watch 2001 and understand the whole thing than they haven't done their job. He wanted to make a film that posed more questions than answers. It's mostly silent. There isn't any dialogue for 30 minutes, the most popular character HAL doesn't show up until an hour in. There also isn't any dialogue in the last 30 minutes of the movie. It starts off with an overture, has an intermission, and ends with exit music. The extras on this DVD are almost non-existant. There are 2 trailers (one for 2001 and one for 2010: The Year We Make Contact, which i've never seen) and there is a press interview with Arthur C. Clarke from the 60s. Overall it's a movie I'm glad I own and recommend it to anyone who loves science fiction and can handle a slower movie. You ADHD kids know who you are.

The next movie is The Abyss, followed by AI. 3 pretty heavy Science Fiction films in a row. I'm glad Almost Famous comes after that. It'll be a nice comedy to lighten things up a bit.

That last post was my second longest post. Over 1,000 words. Impressive. Most impressive, but you are not a jedi yet.

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