
"The long road home" or "Driving me crazy"

There you go. Does that title count as a nice pun or what? Ehh it's okay. I'm working on it. The title refers to those late night drives I seem to make all the time. Either from Cambridge or Haverhill. They are long and lonely and dark. I wish that we all lived in Boston and jammed in like Allston. Every thing would be nice and close. We would have no stupid cars. It makes sense for people to live like that. That is how Western Civilization got started. They made a city where the 2 rivers (tigris and euphrates i believe) came together. We should all live in the city unless we are farmers. Then we can live in the country. Everyone wants their own property selfishly and they don't care how much gas they use to travel. After the earlier rant I wanted to do a more relaxed post.

I just jammed with the other band tonight. Dipthong practices seem to be few and far between. It didn't go very well though. We think it was because Keith really made a huge difference. I can't wait to get him back. He works as a good liason between Ryan and I because we aren't always on the same page. We were talking about names again and they seem to like Tashjin, but I don't like it as much anymore. I'm digging Antikythera Mechanism. They'll both work. I've been thinking about it more and more. Should we write songs? Should we just jam. I figure if we actually work stuff out it could be more indepth. We could do more things. If we just improvised though it could be real spur of the moment. I guess that leaves it open to be bad... I was also thinking that maybe we could write but leave big spaces for improvisation in there. Kind of like the Mars Volta. We also need to find our niche. I don't want to be an ISIS ripoff. I don't want to sound just like all the other Hydra Head bands. I want us to have our own thing that is inspired by the Hydra Head stuff. I'm totally blown away by 5ive right now but I'll talk about that later.

I got a new phone battery today! Thank goodness because the old one was driving me insane. To have only 5 minutes of battery life is retarded. I'll finally be able to call back all those people who have been trying to get in touch with me the last few weeks (Kirimi, Josh).

I picked up the first legion trade yesterday. I started reading the series when Supergirl joined the team (sticking with my super-related book rule) but I liked it so much I've wanted to get some older ones. I've always liked the Legion of Super-Heros and Mark Waid is a great writer. Plus Erik and the guy from the superman homepage recommended it. I've since been straying away from the super-related book rule. I picked up Powers last week and I've been reading Secret Six. For those of you who don't know, I have a rule that I can only buy comics that are Superman related. So that means I can buy Justice League, Justice, Superman, Action Comics, All-Star Superman, Supergirl, and Supergirl and the Legion of Superheros. Because of Infinite Crisis and all the tie ins (esp. one year later) I've picked up a few other books including 3 Batmans, 52, Secret Six, and some more. I've got to cut back or it gets out of control!!!!!

I'm selling my Les Paul Classic. I'll probably put it up on Craig's List this weekend. I figure with the money I can get a case for my mesa cab, new guitar cases and possibly that Japanese distortion pedal. There is a ton of gear that I want but those things would get me through haha. This way I don't have to rely on my Big Muff Pi for the other band and I've got great cases for all my gear to tour in Dipthong with. I've got to keep my gear in tip top shape because I cannot afford to replace or repair it! I figure the cases are more important than having 3 Les Pauls. One of the 3 is always getting neglected anyways. After I get all that stuff I need that guitar stand, a case for my Sunn head, then a new head and cab to go along with it. Probably a Marshall JMP into an matamp cab. Maybe 8x10 maybe just 4x12. We'll see...

This weekend I will probably try and relax as much as possible. I know I'll go see Taming of the Shrew in the Boston Commons with Lark and her friends on Saturday night but I think I'll spend the rest of the weekend watching movies in my room. Maybe I'll get some reading done. I don't read enough!! I'm sure Lark wants to spend some quality time with Nicole too.

I'm going to change the layout and possibly colors of this blog. It is way too standard black. Boring. Local The Comic has a nice looking blog.

There is lots of great music coming this fall. Mastodon, Red Sparowes, ISIS, Deftones, Mars Volta, and probably more that I can't think of all have albums coming out. It's gonna be a tough top 1o this year. (Last year I got lazy and didn't do one. I also bought a bunch of records in January that had come out the year before that had belonged in that top 10.) It's a good time to be me I guess. Great girlfriend. Family is doing good. Decent job. 2 bands. Superman movie. Clerks 2. Superman comics have been great. Everything Superman is coming out on DVD. I could go on but I won't. Even though jamming was less than fantastic I'm in a good mood!

Wow long blog again. Still not done kids sorry.

My cats are the best. No more peeing on the couch either. I knew they would stop. Fuzzy is so loyal and adorable I can't get over it!

5ive is an incredible band. 2 members. Guitar and drums. I'm so fucking blown away it's rediculous. It isn't super far off from what I've been doing with Ryan, Joey, and Keith but it's just so fucking good. The guitarist is amazing. He fills out the sound and his effects work is inspiring. I went to Newbury and Bull Moose looking for a couple of specific things. I found nothing at Bull Moose and very few things at Newbury. I decided to take a chance with 5ive because it was cheap, the description sounded cool, it had J. K. Broaderick remixes, and it was on Hydra Head. Boy I'm glad I did. Best wah pedal work since fucking hendrix i swear. I also finally found that 3 way Red Sparowes split I've been looking for. It was under various. Red Sparowes rules and I can't wait to see them next week. The guy from Pelican will be playing with them and he's fucking cool too.

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