
"Frustrated at the world" or "People who post blogs every day are ghey"

Yet another blog. I actually like writing them. I'm in a shitty mood. Things aren't working out like I had planned. I just want to tour. Every night that I sit at home is a night wasted. I should be out on the road doing it right now. I'm 23 and I'm not doing anything. I'm just sitting in my room playing bass listening to The Gersch. It's a decent record. More Bryant Clifford Meyer stuff. After this I'll probably listen to his Windmills by the Ocean. I've already listened to plenty of Red Sparowes. He won't be playing with Red Sparowes this week because the guy from Pelican will be. Pelican kicks ass. Rebecca better not fucking move into the room next door. What a pain in the ass that would be.

Ding Ding took that picture while I was changing strings before our New Jersey show. It was a decent show even if that other band was horrible. I love that guitar. Funny it's just sitting in it's case in my room. Not being played. Fuck it even has a broken string. I haven't changed it because I haven't needed it. I've done very minimal playing since it broke. Somebody's got a case of the Mondays....

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