
"Shakespeare on the Common" or "Snakes on a Plane"

Last night was Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew at Boston Common. I had a good time and I got to spend some time with Lark which is always good. We then went back to her place and played 4 person scrabble. I once again proved my genius and came in dead last.

On the way to the common I got a phone call from Sam Jackson telling me that Snakes on a Plane is quite possibly the greatest motion picture ever made. He's the best that Sam.

The incredibly dark picture above is a cell phone shot of the rig I used to jam the other night. 70's Marshall JMP through a VHT 4x12 next to a 70's Sunn Model T through a Mesa 4x12. The guitar is my 1981 Gibson Les Paul Custom in wine red. For pedals I used a Boss TU-2 tuner, Voodoo Labs Microvibe, Boss BF-2 Flanger, Boss DM-2 Analog Delay, Mooger Fooger Analog Delay, Mooger Fooger Low Pass Filter, Snarling Dogs Wah, Sovtek Big Muff PI, and in the loop of the delay a Boss PS-5 pitch shifter. It sounded wicked pissah. I've been thinking about doing away with the rack and using just amps and pedals again. I've got some ideas...

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