
Yikes, couple quick things!

Making it Right broke up today. That totally sucks. If there was one band I've ever seen that could have done it, it was them. It kinda bums me out. I'm afraid that if they can't make it, I can't make it. I made a joke last time I saw them that I would cut my hair to join that band. Brendan had made a comment about my "metal" hair. It made me think that they must see me as this wicked metal kid who just happens to really love their band. People who know me know that I'm anything but wicked metal. So I made the joke thinking they would never let me in the band with my "metal" hair. Well funny thing happend. Several months later, I cut my hair. Maybe one of them would like to jam...

About the attack. I read something about taking it seriously. It said that the police have no reason to play politics. I don't know if I agree with that but I do think I'm not taking the little guys effort seriously. I'm just so mad at the system right now that everything I see seems like a ploy to control us. If I were al-qaeda though, I'd think of something more original than an airplane again jeez.

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