
The Four of Us are Dying.

I am laying in the dark, in my room listening to Jesu(pronounced YAY su) very loudly. I finally recieved the vinyl after ordering it like 2 months ago. The vinyl has a different mix than the CD to take advantage of the different sound of the format. It is amazing. Perfect music for drifting off. Maybe it's the weather but I just feel kind of sludgy/doomy today. Well I actually feel sludgy and doomy quite often. Doom rules.

The other band jammed last night again. I had a great time. It was very different without Ryan Traynor. Harder to change dynamics I think. I can't wait to get that Distortion pedal that I want. With 2 different gain stages I can just go a bit heavy or all the way heavy. It'll be great! We really have something cool going on and I can't wait to really start writing songs.

I made a spreadsheet on google spreadsheets with a list of albums I need to purchase. I figured it would be an easy way to alphabatize the list I had going. I hate going into the record store and having no idea what I want to buy. This list will hopefully alleviate that. I feel like Kyle doing a spreadsheet though. I know there are more albums to add to the second column (albums coming soon) but I can't seem to think of them haha. I don't really need help with those though. The list is all about walking into the store and forgetting what I want to buy. New stuff stands out and usually warrants a special trip to the store. Midnight sales and all that.

If you want to see my amazing spreadsheet give me your e-mail address and I can share it with you. For those of you who don't know, google spreadsheets is like excell that runs from your web browser. It saves the spreadsheets on the internet and allows you to share them with anyone in the world! It kind of makes me think about the future. There are 2 new movie formats now: HD-DVD and BluRay. I think that we are getting to the point where media shouldn't be on these little discs. Everything should work like iTunes. Although I love buying albums for the art work, I don't buy DVDs for the art. I buy them for the movie! In the future I think every electronic device will be all networked together. Then I can buy a multi-channel hi-resolution album or movie on my computer but it will be playable on my home theater, in my car, on my iPod, everywhere. They should still make vinyl though because vinyl rules.

Blah blah blah. Susan is still here and she is crazy. I think I'm done blabbing for today. Be well, do good work, and take care.


Anonymous said...

So whats your deal man...you ever going to tell us what your doing? Its not like i care that you started another band but are planning on quiting us. I dont know why you wouldn't just say something.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have another band to get your more creative side working further, since you can't do all the craziness you want with Dipthong. I hope it doesn't mean a split from Dipthong, but I'm sure it doesn't.

I was with Ryan and Kyle Sat when Ryan said you bought a new head. Craziness. I guess you never can have enough gear, ey? Well good luck in your new endevors.

As for Me... I am in a music rut. I'd kinda like to see your spreadsheet, as I am curious what new kicks you have gotten into from the Hydrahead family. I might finally have iTunes soon... so it will be nice to get into new stuff again.

Goodluck with your bands, and everything else.